Sunday, September 20, 2009

science "lights"

This week I learned about how laser lights bounce/reflect of solid objects back into our eyes and all over the room. That is also the same with a light bulb, the light bulb reflects off of the glass to every part of the room around it. Also our eyes can see objects only when light reflects off of it back to our eyes. So if there is no light{dark room} then our eyes cant see objects/writing etc.
we learned this because we set up experiments to test our hypothesis. Such as making a dark room, covering the light with tin foil, making two people look at the light, and also using chalk, and dust particles to see the lasers path.
We use this in real life because on army sniper rifles the marines use the laser light because the enemy can't see the path of the beam. Also security systems use the beams to go across rooms so if they are triggered the robber will be caught. also it is used so we don't bash our faces into walls, we need to be able to see the solid objects.