Sunday, December 13, 2009

This week in science we learned about how weight can affect the amount of force a person/thing must put on an object. we know that if there is more weight the harder you have to pull on something. the less weight, the less force.
so we put 1 person on a cart and had 1 person pull, the cart was able to be pulled across the room very easily. then we put 2 on the cart and 1 person pulled. this became a little more struggling, but it was able to be pulled. lastly we put 3 people on the cart, now this was very hard for the person applying force on the cart, after 5 seconds of pulling the rope snapped. the same thing happened the next 3 times.
so these kind of things help us in real life because if ur trying to lift a 2 ton animal such as and elephant per say. you need to use a crane. this ties into the experiment when the more weight the more force.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

force week

This week in science we talked about force. force is a push or a pull on an object. so when an object holds up another, the force would be the earth pulling on the frame, and the nail holding up the frame.
We learned this just from experimenting and drwing force diagrams. We drew on the white board and different hypothesises to our experiments we drew out. we knew it was the earths force and not gravity.
these ideas are used in real life because, astronauts dont float all the way to earth because of its pukl when theyre on the moon, the moon just pulls them in. Also when the atsrounauts come close enough to the earths atmosphere the force pulls them in because there is nothing to hold them up, unless they are leaving earth with there rockets puling them out.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

science "lights"

This week I learned about how laser lights bounce/reflect of solid objects back into our eyes and all over the room. That is also the same with a light bulb, the light bulb reflects off of the glass to every part of the room around it. Also our eyes can see objects only when light reflects off of it back to our eyes. So if there is no light{dark room} then our eyes cant see objects/writing etc.
we learned this because we set up experiments to test our hypothesis. Such as making a dark room, covering the light with tin foil, making two people look at the light, and also using chalk, and dust particles to see the lasers path.
We use this in real life because on army sniper rifles the marines use the laser light because the enemy can't see the path of the beam. Also security systems use the beams to go across rooms so if they are triggered the robber will be caught. also it is used so we don't bash our faces into walls, we need to be able to see the solid objects.